G37 Sightings
At SD downtown, spotted a white G37 that needed to change lane.. so i gave you a big space to go in front of me. nice G!
Horton Plaza parking lot, saw a white g37s on the 2nd level? maybe 1st..
Also saw a black g37s sedan..
also a g35 sedan silver too
Horton Plaza parking lot, saw a white g37s on the 2nd level? maybe 1st..
Also saw a black g37s sedan..
also a g35 sedan silver too
Saw a black G37 on Friars Road. You took the turn off towards Party City. I gave you the thumbs up but I'm not sure if you saw it through my tints haha! I was the Athens Blue heading East on Friars Road.
I always see a Blue Slate G coupe driving up Grand from Walnut whenever I go home from work. Nice car man.
And I was standing outside 24 hours fitness on the corner of Grand and Valley watching this lowered black G coupe barely go over the ditch to get to Chick-fil-a lol.
And I was standing outside 24 hours fitness on the corner of Grand and Valley watching this lowered black G coupe barely go over the ditch to get to Chick-fil-a lol.
and im at like 24 every other day trying to put some meat on my scrawny body
Blue Slate G35 on Mira Mesa BLVD, saw you get pulled over by the SDPD.. Cops were going nut sacks in Mira Mesa tonight! pulled at least 15+ ricers, I was cruising mira mesa for an hour or two.. sucks