PLZ photoshop these Work t1s :)
PLZ photoshop these Work t1s :)
For any of you photoshop experts, I would greatly appreciate if you could photoshop the work t1s rims on a black G37 coupe. Please & thank you in advance...this is going to help out a LOT
The 3 images below should hopefully help...
The 3 images below should hopefully help...
Plleeeeeeeeeeeeease someone....I've already ordered my Vossen's and paid a deposit on it and need to know what these babies will look like on a G37 so I can cancel/change my order...thx again in advance to anyone who can put the time to do this
#6 are awesome dude. I sincerely appreciate what you've done. As for the red one that you did, is it possible to photoshop the red spokes only, but with a black lip? Only if you have the time of course
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I'd seriously like to man. I just hope I'm able to cancel my Vossen order and exchange it to buy these puppies. But I want to see the red spokes with a black lip. They're gonna end up costing quite a bit and I've already placed a $1,000 desposit on my Vossen's
Very talented! Man, thanks again a bunch for putting in the time to do that for me. Now you're going to absolutely hate me for asking this and of course feel free to say no or ignore the question, but I was hoping if at all possible if you could take the actual image of the rim in the picture above, maybe crop it out and then place it over the existing rims on the G37 picture. At least it'll give a more real life look as opposed to the photoshop'd red. Much appreciated!
For sure dude...that's a sweet lookin least it's still in the same bloodline haha Man, I can't wait to see someone do a photoshop of what I'm looking for...hint hint anyone else. What I like most is that it looks unique and you can bet your as$ you'll be the only person around town with those rims!